Friday, December 19, 2008

Unemployment Confusion

Unemployment. I have to admit, I wasn't too upset in the beginning. I was in a job that was going nowhere fast, I wasn't getting the respect I should have been getting, and it was doing nothing but bringing me down mentally. I had to get out. Anyone that knows the situation would agree with that decision. I probably should have done the more "responsible" thing in waiting till I had something set in stone. I had a good lead, but I got a little over confident I'll admit because in the end, that "lead" lead to nothing. I'm not too proud of my rash decision, but there's nothing I can do about it now.

There in lies my problem... I'm 29 years old, and I'm going through the "What do I want to do when I grow up" phase yet again. I did attend college, but I was spending money on school when I had no direction then. So what does every 19 year old who is completely unmotivated do? I quit. And, here I am 10 years later with no direction still. It's really started to affect me. Not only me, but my ever so patient fiance. He's been an amazing support system for me but recognizes that I have to find my way back on to whatever path will make me happy.

I have been putting resumes out there. But, nothing, not one of them is something I really want to do. Just trying to find a means to an end at this point. I've gotten past all the rejections I've received thus far, and am just trying to brush it off. I do realize that I am by FAR, not the only one that is going through this. I know my situation could always be worse, but that's all relative I suppose.

I'm lost in life right now... I just wish the answer was right in front of my face...

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